Books by Sharon Packer, M.D.

Dreams in Myth, Medicine & Movies
Publisher: Praeger / ABC-Clio Books
Print ISBN: 978-0-275-97243-1
Ebook ISBN: 978-0-313-01210-5
248pp. softcover (6 1/8" x 9 1/4") 2002
Purchase Price: $98.95 / Call for eBook Pricing
About the Book
Cinema—invented just before psychoanalysis formally developed—primed the public and scholars to rethink ideas about dreams. The author describes how surrealist artists purposely applied Freudian dream theories to their art to make the public aware of modern ideas about dreams. Most of our current cultural consciousness about the psychological value of dreams is traced to classical and contemporary cinema. This work examines how residuals of past approaches to dreams make conceptions of dreams in psychoanalysis and science more complex than ever today.
Scholars and students in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, cinema, medicine, and religion may find this volume useful. The book also examines academic psychiatry's increased emphasis in dream study on neuropsychiatry and psychopharmocology, as well as managed care's decreased compensation for dream therapy.
"Encyclopedic in scope, this information-packed book traces civilization's interest in dreams from ancient times into the current century....Essential. All academic and professional collections." — Choice AWARD Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 2003